Sunday, February 19, 2012

Salon Style -Celebrating Family Day - February 20th 2012

Hello My Darlings!   Calling all Diva's and Divo's:

Sundays I always love.  It can be a quiet day to reflect, run errands,
go to Church, hob nob with a celeb.... or simply chase mice...better yet lounge!!!

Musing about Feb 20, 2012
I started musing on the subjects of friends, families and gatherings. February 20th is 'Family Day'. My human explained. " In Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta (introduced in 1990 to allow workers to spend more time with their families) the holiday of "Family Day" is observed on the third Monday in February. One of the reasons for introducing Family Day was that there was a long period when there were no holidays from New Year's Day until Good Friday....well Diva what do you want to do?".  Gatherings can happen when they are centered around holidays too.  Tomorrow is also "Presidents Day" in America.  Special wishes go to all my feline and canine friends there - woo hoo!

I'm all for this.  Keeping in touch with my friends is SO IMPORTANT....a change for a party!! Woo hoo.Think of how busy the dog parks will be tomorrow. 

Giving the social circles I like to travel with...the French have got it right:  "Salons, commonly associated with French literary and philosophical movements of the 17th and 18th centuries, were carried on until quite recently, in urban settings, among like-minded people".

Réunion de dames, Abraham Bosse, 17th century.
A salon is a gathering of people (humans) under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine taste and increase their knowledge of the participants through conversation. A man called Horace , "either to please or to educate" ("aut delectare aut prodesse est"). 

I never refuse an offering of milk
 This was my favorite place to play, lingering with delightful  friends and conversation. Our tummies filled with smoked salmon and organic milk.       The gently breezes, tickled my whiskers as I fell into restful slumber.

Guild Hall Summer 2011
Coffee with Aunt Joan
Toulouse and Aunt Nina

Aunt Ness - In the MUSE
Who knows you might meet a Celeb
 Where, what or how you gather doesn't matter...................the importance is to connect and share! 

So Darlings:  Your mission is this 1) Pick up the phone 2) Write a letter   3) Arrange a Salon  4) Practice the art of meow conversations!

Have a smashing good time, any time is a change for a Salon..................see you next time.

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